GSD Pages

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

German Shepherd Ansiety by Separation

German Shepherd Anxiety- Five Main Contributing Factors And Four Best Solutions

By Gino Ruiz

German shepherd anxiety is a panic disorder which occurs among German shepherds which is known to be loyal to their human families. It may arise when this canine breed is separated or isolated to their owners and may worsen when not resolved during its early stage.

When you leave home, the Shepherd dog may experience German shepherd anxiety and can lead to German shepherd aggression problems such as German shepherd barking and destroying your personal belongings. While this can be a hard situation to handle, fortunately, there are quick and easy steps to alleviate this condition. However, when faced with this problem, you should be fully aware of its contributing factors.

What are the five main causes of German shepherd anxiety?

Pack-oriented nature

German shepherd anxiety may occur when you leave your Shepherd dog in your house alone. This is called the German shepherd dog separation anxiety. Generally, canines come in packs in the wild and they have their top dog to follow to. This particular behavior is adapted from their ancestors, the wolves.

The German shepherd treats you as his leader and when he does not see you for long stretches of time, he might feel abandoned, thus easily gets irritated.

Genetic inheritance

German anxiety may occur due to genetic predisposition. German shepherd is among the dog breeds, along with the Springer Spaniels, Airedales and others, that are prone to this disorder.

For this reason, it is important to know what type of breed you want to purchase in a pet store and to become knowledgeable of its background before thinking of owning one.

Trauma with previous owner

Some German shepherds that are abandoned by their previous owners are placed in dog shelters, thereby causing German shepherd anxiety. This traumatic experience makes them distrustful to their new human families.

These shelter dogs may become frightened that the same thing might happen again with their new-found owner.

Early weaning

As early as eight weeks old, Shepherd puppies can already be separated from their mothers and siblings. Through this, German shepherd anxiety may develop sooner or later.

This mostly happens in German shepherd puppies that are confined in a dog cage for purchase in a pet store. They tend to become wild since they always struggle for freedom and they are being deprived of play opportunities with other canines.

It is in their original families that German shepherd puppies learn basic things for survival, such as social skills and food hunting. Early separation from them can bring about psychological trauma.

Lack of time

German shepherds also need to spend time with their owners. Physical neglect would cause them to experience German shepherd anxiety that is why it is necessary to give extra attention and affection to your guard dogs.

If you are the type who work long hours outside your home and no one is left to keep an eye on your German shepherd, then, you better think twice before deciding on owning this dog breed.

When this case becomes serious, this will lead to destructive behaviors such as German shepherd chewing inappropriate items, as well as self-mutilation such as pulling out his fur.

How can you solve this problem in four ways?

Crate training

German shepherd crate training is one effective way to alleviate German shepherd anxiety. Make your Shepherd dog get attuned to being alone at home by making him stay in his nice and comfy crate and teach him to do his business outside the house.

Provide exercise routines

German shepherd anxiety may be avoided by providing exercise activities with your German shepherd dog. Before you leave for work, take him to a walk for 15 to 20 minutes. Make sure to put him on a leash while doing it.

Distract from boredom

While your German shepherd puppy is alone in his crate, give him something to chew or bite such as marrow bones and soft toys. This way, his attention will be diverted and will provide an outlet for him to have fun with himself rather than become destructive.

You may also turn on the radio and play soothing music which he will surely love to hear.

Positive reinforcement

Once your German shepherd does not react to your leaving anymore, shower him with praises and give him his favorite treats. In this sense, he will associate behaving well with rewards and is more likely to repeat this favorable conduct.

German shepherd anxiety should be taken seriously by all owners since this could also make the lives of the Shepherd dogs at risk. Just like human beings, they also need much love and affection from their families.

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